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EMEĞE SAYGI PRENSİBİNDEN DOLAYI bağlantısı direkt olarak verilmek için Mediafire'dan verilen indirmeler değiştirilmiyor.
Mediafire'dan download yapabilmek için DNS ve VPN kullanabilirsiniz.
- Brewing Stand (502) 3 cobblestones + 1 gold ingot
- Glass Bottle (374) – 3 glass blocks
- Glistering Melon (408) – 8 gold nuggets + 1 melon slice
- Golden Carrot (407) – 8 gold nuggets + 1 carrot
- Nether Wart (372) – zombie pigmen drop them
- Melon (360)
Brewing Items & Recipes
- Potion of Healing (379) – 1 Nether Wart, then 1 Melon Slice
- Potion of Night Vision (376) – 1 Nether Wart, then 1 Golden Carrot
- Potion of Fire Resistance (377) – 1 Nether Wart, then 1 Magma Cream
- Potion of Swiftness (380) – 1 Nether Wart, then 1 Sugar
- Potion of Regeneration (381) – 1 Nether Wart, then 1 Ghast Tear
- Potion of Strength (382) – 1 Nether Wart, then 1 Blaze Powder
- Awkward Potion (375) – 1 Nether Wart
Other Block/Item IDs & Crafting Recipes
- Nether Wart (372) – zombie pigmen drop them
- Water Bottle (373) – tap on some water with a glass bottle to fill it
- Glass Bottle (374) – 3 glass blocks
- Spider Eye (326) – spiders drop them
- Golden Carrot (407) – 1 carrot + 8 golden nuggets
- Glistering Melon (408) – 1 melon slice + 8 golden nuggets
- Golden Nugget (371) – 1 golden ingot
- Magma Cream (409) – zombie pigmen drop them
- Ghast Tear (410) – zombie pigmen drop them
- Blaze Powder (411) – zombie pigmen drop them
- Brewing Stand (502) – 3 cobblestones + 1 gold ingot
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